청나라 선통 원년에 창건된 지상초당도 아주 정교한 조화홀인데 내원의 주요 건물 중의 하나입니다. 연못 위에 우뚝 솟은 건물 전체는 기세가 웅장하고 고풍스럽습니다. 편액 위의 ^취백지^ 세 글자는 중국 현대 국화 대가 정십발 씨의 친필이고 ^향산운사^ 편액은 유명한 서예가 호문수 씨의 친필입니다. ^취백지^라는 이름은 당나라 시인 백거이를 사모한 송나라 시인 한기가 그의 시에 푹 빠져 자기 고향 하남 안양에 위치한 홀의 이름을 취백당이라고 고쳤습니다. 읍인 고대신도 백거이를 아주 숭배하므로 한기를 따라배워 이 맑은 연못을 취백지라고 명명하였던 것입니다.
Chi Shang Cao Tang
Built in the late Qing Dynasty in the first year of the Xuan Tong era (1909), the whole building is imposing, simple and elegant. In the following year, Liu Huaxuan, the governor of Jiangnan, gathered nine senior members of his staff here for a banquet in imitation of Bai Juyis story, so he inscribed the plaque with the title Rhymes of Fragrant Hills (the original plaque does not exist, but is now the inked treasure of the famous calligrapher Mr. Hu Wensui). The plaque Drunken White Pond was originally inscribed by Wang Shimin in Taicang in the early Qing Dynasty, but now it has been added by Mr Cheng Shifa, a master of Chinese painting.
At 4pm on 19 June l923, he and Zhu Jixun and others joined forces with patriots from all walks of life to establish the Songjiang Salvation Comrades Association, to unite all local communities in the spirit of popular governance for the purpose of national self-determination. The aim is to achieve national self-determination, and openly put forward four tenets: First, to defeat the warlords; second, to defeat international imperialism; third, to eradicate bureaucratic politics; and fourth, to promote social services.